

The Circular Economy is gaining more and more interest from both producers and consumers. As part of the circular economy, we strive to minimize the consumption of raw materials and the generation of waste. This allows for reducing environmental burdens, reducing emissions and, in some cases, using waste as a raw material in subsequent production phases. 


Due to limited resources of raw materials, constantly increasing prices of energy and changes in consumer expectations, the topic of circular economy is increasingly appearing in the activities undertaken by entrepreneurs. The development of a circular economy is also supported by legislative changes. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) obliges companies (large entities from the financial year 2024) to report on environmental, social, human rights and corporate governance issues. The implementation of circular economy solutions in the Company may significantly reduce the environmental impact that will be subject to reporting.


Support in the implementation of circular economy 

The implementation of this type of solution is often associated with very serious changes in the entire technological process, as well as with gigantic costs. In order to at least partially reduce the necessary investment outlays, it is worth taking advantage of the subsidy competitions planned in the near future in the circular economy area. We announced such calls last year, and now we know more detailed information about them and the recruitment dates.


  • Investment support for SMEs (competition under the National Reconstruction Plan)

The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) will be the institution responsible for the A2.2.1 competition. Investments in the implementation of environmental technologies and innovations, including those related to the circular economy, under the National Reconstruction Plan (KPO).

Below, we present the most important aspects of the competition:


Applications will be accepted from June 25th, 2024 to August 20th, 2024.


PLN 325 million was allocated for the implementation of the call.

Target group

Enterprises from the SME sector (micro, small, medium-sized)

Activities within the project

The basic activity within the project should be the development and implementation of environmental technologies related to the circular economy in the enterprise.

The full catalogue of activities will be available when the recruitment announcement and competition documentation are published. Support will be granted under the following categories of public aid: 

  • regional investment aid for SMEs;
  • aid for consultancy services for SMEs;
  • aid for SMEs to support innovation; investment aid enabling entrepreneurs to apply standards that are stricter than EU standards in the field of environmental protection or to increase the level of environmental protection in the absence of EU standards;
  • investment aid for early adaptation to future EU standards;
  • investment aid for measures supporting energy efficiency;
  • investment aid for the promotion of energy from renewable sources;
  • investment aid for recycling and reuse of waste; 
  • de minimis aid.

The projects should comply with EU (CEAP 2020) and national regulations ("Roadmap for transformation towards a circular economy"), and their effect will be better material management, increased energy efficiency and a change in the philosophy of companies towards zero waste.

Support terms

According to unofficial information from the institution announcing the competition, the minimum grant value is assumed to be the equivalent of PLN 200,000.

 The maximum support that can be obtained is the equivalent of EUR 1 million. The competition organizers estimate that the average unit cost will be PLN 3.5 million. 

Detailed support conditions will be announced in the application documentation. Support will be granted in the form of subsidies. 


  • Support for environmental technologies and innovations, also related to the circular economy (competition for consortiums and large enterprises)

The second announced competition is a competition announced by the National Center for Research and Development to support the development of technologies contributing to the creation of the secondary raw materials market. It will also be possible to support R&D infrastructure for developing technologies for the use of waste as secondary raw materials. The competition will also be carried out as part of the National Reconstruction Plan.

Below, we present the most important aspects of the competition:


The call will be announced 14 days from the date of entry into force of the regulation constituting the aid program or from the date of signing the Agreement. 

Recruitment ends by September 30th, 2024.


PLN 346 million was allocated for the implementation of this call

Target group

The competition will be intended for two groups of applicants: 

  • Consortiums (consisting of at least one large enterprise and one research organization, the consortium can include a maximum of three entities); 
  • Large enterprises

Activities within the project

Activities supporting the development of technologies contributing to the creation of the secondary raw materials market. 

The effects of the implemented projects will be: 

- increasing the amount of raw materials that can be reused, 

- reducing the amount of primary raw materials used in production processes, 

- reducing the amount of waste stored in landfills. 

It is also possible to finance R&D infrastructure for developing technologies for the use of waste as secondary raw materials.

Support terms

Detailed conditions of support will be specified in the competition documentation. 

Support will be provided in the form of grants. 

In accordance with the KPO provisions, the competition organizer assumes an average subsidy value of PLN 70.1 million for one developed technology contributing to the creation of a secondary raw materials market.

PwC's comment

Technological changes related to the reduction of environmental emissions are necessary, both due to regulatory requirements and consumer expectations, as well as to stop unfavourable climate changes. The issue of effective waste management and sustainable use of raw materials has become extremely crucial as a result of the events of the last few years. 

It is worth using all available opportunities to support enterprises in the field of energy transformation. PwC experts will be happy to answer your questions regarding the competitions discussed, as well as other available and planned forms of support for enterprises. 

We encourage you to contact us.