

From 16 May to 15 July 2024, applications will be accepted as part of the competition under the National Reconstruction Plan supporting intermodal transport announced by the Center for EU Transport Projects (CEUPT).


Due to its location, Poland plays a very important role in transport and logistics in Europe. However, a constantly expanded road network is not enough to talk about a correct and complete transport network. Only solutions involving the use of land, rail and waterways will enable fast, collision-free transport of large masses of goods.

The announced competition will allow for the development of rolling stock as well as the development of railway infrastructure within the trans-European TEN-T network.

Budget under component E2.1.3. – Intermodal transport amounts to PLN 781.6 million.


For what?

Railway investments, due to their scale and complexity and the need to ensure interoperability with other transport methods, require huge investment outlays.

Expenditure that can be financed under the project includes:

  • construction/reconstruction of intermodal terminal infrastructure, including dedicated infrastructure;
  • purchase/modernization of equipment to operate intermodal terminals;
  • acquisition/improvement and implementation of information systems to operate intermodal terminals and telematics and satellite systems related to intermodal transport;
  • purchase of new/used and modernized zero-emission rolling stock used for intermodal transport;
  • purchase of new zero-emission rolling stock used for intermodal transport.

As part of the call for proposals, it is possible to implement projects containing several of the above-mentioned components.

Importantly, the road-rail terminals supported under the project must be located on the TEN-T network (Trans-European Transport Network).

The list of entered railway lines is available on the website of the Ministry of Infrastructure.


For whom?

Entities entitled to participate in the competition are:

  • entities providing railway rolling stock intended for intermodal transport;
  • entrepreneurs from EU Member States who conduct or will conduct business activities in the field of intermodal transport in the territory of the Republic of Poland;
  • entities managing railway infrastructure providing direct access to intermodal terminals.


On what terms?

Applications will be accepted from 16 May 2024 to 15 July 2024 only via the dedicated WOD2021 application.

Applications submitted under the call must receive a positive assessment of the application for state aid submitted as part of the prequalification.

An application for state aid may be submitted as part of the prequalification or simultaneously with an application for support for the project (if it has not been submitted before).

The maximum allowable level of state aid for this type of investment is 50% of eligible expenditure.


PwC comment

Intermodal transport is not only more efficient compared to road transport, it can also be much more environmentally friendly and cost-competitive.

The KPO assumed at least a 5% increase in the transhipment capacity of terminals that received funding between 2020 and mid-2026. Considering the current trends in transport, this assumption is very realistic. The number of goods transported by Poland is likely to increase further with the start of the reconstruction process in Ukraine.

The PwC State Aid Team will be happy to answer your questions about this call or other forms of infrastructure support. We encourage you to contact us.