

The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚ) announced the launch of two new priority programs: “My wind farm” (program budget is PLN 400 million) and “Support for the construction and/or expansion of publicly available charging stations for heavy transport” (the program budget is PLN 2 billion). 

Calls for applications in both programs are planned for 2024.


Support for heavy transport charging infrastructure

The “Support for the construction and/or expansion of publicly available charging stations for heavy transport" will be intended exclusively for entrepreneurs (regardless of their size). The program will support the construction of infrastructure for charging electric trucks. Charging points can be built along road routes included in the TEN-T transport network (in Poland, this is a significant part of the highway and express way network) and in logistics centres and intermodal terminals. 

According to the requirements of the program, charging stations will have to be publicly available, and their power cannot be less than 350 kW. 

Importantly, the level of co-financing of eligible costs provided for in the program is 100%. 

The program's budget is PLN 2 billion. 

The first recruitment will be announced in the third or fourth quarter of 2024.


Renewable energy sources support

The “My wind farm” program will be intended for natural persons. It will support the purchase and installation of a home wind turbine with a capacity of up to 20 kW. 

Additionally, it will be possible to obtain support for electricity storage.

The support will be of a grant nature and will cover a maximum of 50% of eligible costs (no more than PLN 30,000 for a wind installation and no more than PLN 17,000 for an energy storage facility). 

Funding will be provided in the form of a subsidy of up to 50%. Eligible costs, but not more than PLN 30,000. PLN for one co-financed wind installation. There is also a subsidy for electricity storage up to PLN 17,000 zloty.


PwCs comment

The use of energy from renewable sources and the expansion of the electric vehicle charging network are essential elements of the ongoing energy transformation. Support for charging infrastructure is particularly important in the context of regulations coming into force at the beginning of next year, requiring the need to equip some public parking lots with this type of infrastructure. The transport sector will certainly benefit from the implementation of this type of program. If you would like to obtain information about these or other support mechanisms in the field of energy transformation, please contact the PwC State Aid team. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have in this regard.