

The National Center for Research and Development announced the launch of a competition for projects ordered under the GOSPOSTRATEG program, the aim of which is to increase the use of socio-economic research results in shaping national and regional development policies by 2028.


The program aims to select contractors for the so-called commissioned project and covers a research issue ("Program for the development of hydrogen storage in salt caverns to strengthen Poland's critical energy infrastructure"), which was submitted by the Ministry of Climate and Environment.


Support item

NCBR provides funding for the implementation of projects that include: 

  • basic research, 
  • industrial research, 
  • experimental development work, 
  • pre-implementation work (obligatory in the project).


Competition budget and amount of support

The maximum amount of project funding is PLN 20 million.

The level of co-financing for the implementation of project work is up to 100% of eligible costs. The consortium leader and consortium members may implement the project only as part of non-economic activities.



The competition is open to consortiums consisting only of scientific units, commercial law companies, foundations and associations that are not enterprises (within the meaning of Article 1 of Annex I to Regulation 651/2014).

The specific objectives of the ordered projects include identifying specific solutions in the field of:

  • indicating the location and determining the potential of salt structures for building hydrogen storage facilities,
  • determining the potential for hydrogen production from renewable energy sources in the area of salt deposits where it will be possible to build hydrogen storage facilities,
  • determining the average costs of hydrogen storage,
  • developing guidelines for the safe storage and distribution of hydrogen,
  • identification and possibility of full use of Polish scientific and engineering potential in the field of mass accumulation of hydrogen in salt structures,
  • determining how to obtain social acceptance for storing hydrogen in salt caverns in order to strengthen social capital for this direction in the state's energy policy,
  • indication of the scope of necessary research and development work in the field of technology, construction and materials necessary for the mass accumulation of hydrogen in salt caverns, 
  • identifying gaps and recommending legislative solutions.

The maximum number of entities in the consortium is 5, including at least two research units.


Recruitment deadline

Start of the call for applications: May 20, 2024.

End of the call for applications: August 14, 2024, at 16:00


PwC comment

Storing hydrogen in salt caverns to strengthen Poland's critical energy infrastructure requires many studies, the results of which may contribute to improving the condition of the Polish energy infrastructure. 


We encourage all eligible entities to apply and read the details of the competition. Our team will be happy to answer your questions in this regard and support you in the process of obtaining support. We encourage you to contact us.